We have assembled a wide-ranging list of cafés, restaurants and specialist food suppliers for you to enjoy in Carmerthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire when you stay with us at Terfyn Mawr. To find out more about the places where you can eat out or buy produce listed below, simply click on the image for the café, restaurant or supplier of your choice and you will be taken to their web site or Facebook page.
Please note that we have assembled the above list of cafés and restaurants in good faith to assist you in making your stay with us special. We at Terfyn Mawr are not associated in any way with the cafés or restaurants listed, nor do we endorse services or products provided by them. Furthermore, we can not guarantee that any of the cafés or restaurants listed above are currently open for service or that they are as listed. Please ensure that you satisfy yourself with what is being provided before committing to travelling or placing an order.